al Cazar el Carpincho Azul

Musings on my move to Nicaragua in search of the elusive Carpincho Azul.


Happy New Year 2005

End of year festivities in Managua have been both low-key (on our part) and loud (everyone else).

As is true in many parts of Latin America, fireworks and firecrackers are an integral part of celebrations here. Starting way back at the beginning of December, we have been treated to almost daily cracks and pops: for Purísima (Immaculate Conception, Dec. 7), Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve and day. Many are just noise makers or show a little color, but some are quite sophisticated. The best show yet was about 2 weeks ago, when they closed off Carretera a Masaya and put on a 45 minute show with fireworks rivalling any I've seen for July 4. New Year's Eve was a another good show (though not *quite* as good) put on by neighbors. One of the many advantages of living on a hill is the 360 degree view of the city, so we were basically surrounded by colorful lights to welcome the new year.

Christmas Eve, Paulo and I spent with our friend Aracely and others, sharing good food and wine. On New Year's Eve we hosted a small gathering, which didn't really get started until about 2 a.m. Paulo grilled an enormous fish and made his famous lentil soup and guacamole--delicious! We stayed up until 5:30 (Jenn) / 8:30 (Fidel) / 10:30 (Paulo & Carlos Molina). New Year's Day we spent in a marathon domino game.

Best wishes to friends, family & others for peace & justice in the new year!


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